Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Always With Honesty

Always With Honesty

This maze is taking longer than anticipated to navigate.
If I remember correctly from my past accomplishments,
It will also require much patience and a level head.

The feeling of things undone is one I know all too well.
The time that never counted now does,
And with each passing year, moves quicker.

They never tell you that the magic is real.
Silence is not always a sign of abandonment.
Respect in all situations is given.

I am the same, but new.
Each passing month has added a new color to my energy.
Skill sets have improved, but modesty rains over me still.
I do not wish to vanish once again,
But without outside input, I have to believe that I must.

The trick is that there is none, this moment is all there is.
Like every storm, it will end,
And life will return to what it was.

Strange, like there is a life I have not lived.
Unrequited memories ring true with their questions.
I cannot answer them, so I let them long.
One day my mirror will reflect the right light,
And the lost paradise will finally merge with the forsaken future.

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