Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Follow Feathers Like Breadcrumbs

Follow Feathers Like Breadcrumbs
By: Bryan Olson

Caught for years at a time,
Offering up sacrifices for false truths.
Finally crossing the bridge I started so very long ago.
Once I am safely on the other side,
I’ll set it afire,
(for now I know)
One should never look back.

You want me,
Come find me.
Follow feathers like breadcrumbs,
And you might find one with your name on it.
(If you look hard enough)
Searching for coal to mark your battle cry,
For pink and blue will only give you away.

Failing to comprehend that after years of trying,
You are still empty hearted,
(alone in a crowd)
I know you will go far with your deception and lies.
If you were ever good at anything,
It was misleading everyone about everything.
Good luck with your cold cellar of deceit, and attic flooded with the tears from your regrets.

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